How to Purchase the Best CBD Oil for Dogs

cbd oil for dog

CBD oil has become one of the most popular supplements. This is because of the health benefits it offers. That explains why many products now contain CBD oil. Other than human beings, this natural extract now seems to have life-changing benefits for animals. CBD oil is now used to manage different health conditions and symptoms in dogs. For instance, you can give it to your dogs to manage pain, anxiety, stress, and many other health conditions.

Nowadays, there are many businesses involved in making CBD oil for dogs. Since there is no regulation in this industry, you need to be careful regarding the products you purchase.These are the factors you should consider when buying CBD oil for dogs.

Hemp Source

giving a dog cbd oilAs you know, hemp is the leading source of CBD oil. Hemp is a plant that belongs to the cannabis family. The good thing about hemp is that it is richer in CBD than in THC. The stalks and leaves obtained from industrial hemp can be used in making textiles. When choosing CBD oil for your dog, you want to ensure hemp is sourced from organic farms. The reason to consider the source of hemp is because of its impact on the quality of the oil. For instance, hemp sourced from organic farms is free of pesticides.

Extraction Method

There are different ways for extracting CBD oil. You can crush the seeds and leaves and get rid of excess material. Although this method is easy, it is the least efficient when it comes to extracting chemicals from plants. Carbon dioxide extraction is recommended because of its efficiency. However, it is expensive as compared to hydrocarbon extraction.

Extract Type

You should note that CBD oil is available in different forms. These include broad-spectrum, full-spectrum, and isolates. Isolates contain only CBD oil. That is because other substances that are obtained during extraction are isolated. Thus, you can be assured you are getting pure CBD for your dog. Full-spectrum CBD oil contains a wide range of cannabinoids. For instance, it contains terpenes and THC. The percentage of CBD oil varies from one manufacturer to another.


Potency offers a sign of dosage strength of CBD oil. The percentage can give you a mixture of the proportion of the oil and not the active ingredients. If your dog is suffering from chronic pain, then you should go for high potency oil. On the other hand, low potency oils are suitable for dogs without serious health issues.…

Benefits of CBD and How to Use it

medical marijuana

Marijuana is perhaps the most misunderstood plant in human history. Scientific studies have shown how the plant holds many medical benefits, yet it has only been legalized recently in many states. This fact is staggering if we compare marijuana to tobacco, which possesses nothing but harmful substances.

Today, medical science has managed to eliminate marijuana’s psychotropic property by separating CBD (Cannabidiol) from THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol).

Vaping CBD Extract

a cloud chaser vapeThe best thing about CBD is that you can enjoy it with vapors. Type, “CBD ejuice,” on Google and you will see how many online stores sell the product. For instance, among the best-selling ones, there is the Hot Juice brand that offers a wide range of flavored CBD juice at the best rate, $60 per bottle of 100ml.

Vaping CBD can help you to improve anxiety and depression. It is also more recreational than the other methods of the substance’s administration.

Topical Application

topical salveCBD products also come in cream, salve, and topical oil, which are used to treat skin-related conditions like eczema, skin cancer, arthritis, and skin inflammation. The most recommended brands for CBD cream are Herb Essntls Cannabis Infused Body Lotion, Sagely CBD Cream Relief And Recovery, LEEF Revive CBD Balm, and Lord Jones High CBD Pain & Wellness Formula Body Lotion.


extracted productsCBD oil here is the edible one, which is different from the topical variant. The oil that is extracted through CO2 high-pressurization is the purest among other methods. In fact, you should be aware of the extraction methods because according to Karger, contamination is common in CBD oil. Pesticides, heavy metals, molds, and bacteria have been found in several of the test subjects.

Therefore, it is crucial to know the latest reviews of CBD oil. Based on, here are four best products in 2018: Green Roads, Medterra, CBD Pure, and CBDistillery.

CBD Tinctures

You can consume tinctures like an oral supplement. It contains potent concentration CBD that will quickly react after you ingest it. However, the original taste of CBD is a bit bitter and gooey, which makes the manufacturers imbue some flavors to it.

CBD tinctures are preferable compared to the other products because they provide discretion and practicality. For instance, not all places allow you to vape. It makes vaping CBD juice more restricted than taking the tinctures. Tinctures also benefit people who consume CBD to overcome episodic seizures or headaches because they can drink the drops multiple times a day.…